Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Meatless Life

Today marks my last day as an omnivore. This was my last meal as a meat-eating man. Yes, out of all the meals I could have possibly had, I had a fucking Double Big Mac. Literally ANY meal, and I went with that one.

To be honest, I'll miss them a little bit; Clyde and I had a thing for Big Macs. Admittedly, they actually kinda totally suck, but that's beside the point. The point is, he can't have Big Macs anymore, and to be honest, if he can't have Big Macs, why should I? What's the point of even having Big Macs if you can't share them with the one person you want to the most?

So, yeah. No more Big Macs for me. Hell, no more meat for me. Well, I should probably clarify that a little: No more meat that isn't alive and attached to another man. Fair compromise.

...Although I still don't see how fish isn't considered meat...


Pick said...

Fish IS meat ... BUT it's wet meat, so that makes it ok. ;o{)

Snath said...

I don't understand how the Double Big Mac isn't sold here in America.

This is AMERICA, for fuck's sake! We're the fattest country in the world!

Pup Prints said...

Question: why?

Lord Thundercox said...

I have an issue with this.