Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Pajiba Love: Not Just A Gay Sex Position

Alright, so a few new developments:
Yeah, that's me with a cupcake on my head for no reason.

#1: I've been hired to write on yet another site. The best part about it? It's Pajiba. Seriously, considering that this is the blog that pretty much convinced me to get into blogging, this is all kinds of fucking amazing. I'm on as the writer for Pajiba Love alongside Stacey, so for those of you wondering, yes, she's still there too! That being said, if you ever have a neat little link or a funny video, or if you need me to rig an online competition for you, I'm your guy. And of course you can also check me out on popbytes too. I'm pretty sure I already said that, but what the fuck ever, it bears repeating.

#2: So the shooting part of my new site begins FRIDAY. Which is technically tomorrow, give or take, so yeah, EXCITEMENT! To be honest, scheduling as been a bit of a hassle, what with changes of plans, raising money, finding equipment...But whatever, it's finally happening! Thankfully, I managed to tack a second one on too, this one in partnership with another site which means it's free bitches. Huge load off my mind.

#3: The Toronto move is moving along...sort of. I have two places I'll be looking at this weekend, and they're both in nice neighbourhoods, so chances are I'll be grabbing at least one of them. And even better: I'll be marching along in the Pride parade on Sunday along with the Pride Marshalls, Mandy Goodhandy and Todd Klinck. And for those of you who are saying they don't deserve it or are in any way trying to detract from this: Please line up and bite the fattest part of my dick.

#4: There actually is no number four. I just typed it and then was too lazy to backspace it. It's probably more work to write all of this rather than just deleting it, but shut up your face. So instead, here's a music video dedicated to someone. All I'll say is: Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah.


Pick said...

You're moving to Toronto? Yeehaw! Moving back myself on Monday ... just in time to miss Pride though damn it! :o(

DC said...

Great to hear the good news updates. Already enjoying your snark on Pajiba. Good luck with the move.