Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Hairy Vs. Not-As-Hairy Debate of 2010

Yeah, I buzzed my body hair. Not shaved, buzz. Which means I still have body hair like a normal, sane human being, it's just a little shorter. Anyway, now it's your turn to tell me which you guys prefer. To be honest, chances are all the hair will probably be back in, like, a week or something, but whatever, let's hear it guys: Hairy or Sorta-Not-As-Hairy? Choose motherfuckers choose!

Oh, and as always:
First, here's the frontsies:And here's the backsies:
Well, there you have it. Choose bitches, choose.


James said...

Mmmmmm. I can't choose. Either works for me.

Anonymous said...

Buzzed looks cute, for spring/summer at least. You can return to hairy self for fall/winter for the long hibernation.

Unknown said...

I say smooth(er) is better

Donnie said...

You look damn fine either way, but I vote for smooth - Spring is almost here.

lb said...

totally, buzzed....

but am proposing an option?

Sculpted is more work... but sometimes a little more work is a little more... uhm... work?

You look fine. And I think the buzz makes your butt look smaller... that's meant to be helpful. You don't have a big butt.

Alec said...

Not-As-Hairy, but keep the beard and mohawk as-is.

DC said...

I kinda like the hairy better, but it's your bod, go with what you feel comfortable with.

Anonymous said...

Keep it hairy! Hairy=Better

Shiny said...

I prefer the hairy version, which really isn't that hairy to begin with. I am a woman though, so you're not exactly trying to appeal to me. But there you are. I like some hair on a man.

Coach Devin said...

You're damn hot either way, but I like the buzzed (but not shaven). Gotta have some hair.

Unknown said...

oh yuck!!
Hairy is better! Please!!!
and a short beard like a 5 oclock shadow

Mareczku said...

Hi Jeremy, the back pictures look the same so either so no need to bother there. Buzzed is nice above the waist but don't touch the pubic hair. I don't like shaved pubic hair. You are a man and you are supposed to have hair there. I think pubic hair is sexy. Also I think armpit hair is sexy on men so you can trim that a little but don't go smooth there.

Mareczku said...

Oh, it looks like you shaved your legs too. No need to go there man.

Vangelis said...

I go for... Jeremy!!

The way HE wants to be.

Anonymous said...

Nether I don't like any hair on a guy what's so ever exept on his balls (all the area around the balls), legs, arms, and the most sexy his armpit hair

I am a 13 year old boy