Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hung Geekster Porn Star

Fun fact: Only three of the four words The Sword used above actually describe me. Guess which!

But yeah, look everyone! I was on The Sword and stuff! How fucking awesome is that? (The answer to this is SO GODDAMN AWESOME.) Actually, it was up on Friday, but since nobody told me, and also because it was St. Patrick's Day weekend which meant drinking to a near-comatose state, I only found out today. Anyway, point being, this is fucking rad as hell, and I'm totally honoured right now. And for the record: The Sword described me as a full-fledged Porn Star. THE FUCKING SWORD. So anybody who says I'm not a porn star is obviously a lying liar who tells lies, and they can totally kiss my Chrissy Behind (it's fine most of the time.)

Anyhoodle, thanks!

Oh, and for the record: Brita Filters? Naaaaaaaah. I like my men like I like my alcohol: cheap, poorly filtered and quite possibly poisonous.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"So anybody who says I'm not a porn star is obviously a lying liar who tells lies"...hmmmm...who could that be?

love the blog and you are one sexy hung geekster porn STAR!