In case you're wondering, yes, I bake all the time. It's my hobby, and it keeps my chakras aligned. I found a recipe at Joy The Baker, and proceeded to tweak it as I saw fit. It turned out pretty well, but the way she described it, if I don't shit rainbows for at least three days, I will be disappointed. The basic changes involved switching rum with kahlua, and just making a glaze using bailey's instead of more rum.
On a side note, you see the puppy up in the header? Her name is Kahlua. Yes, we named our dog after a liquer. What can I say? We're Irish. And no, Sarina, I will not be making any pies in the near future. Anyways, here's a little pic of it.
I don't care if other people eat pie, I just hate it when they try to make me eat it. I definitely don't care if other people MAKE pie (again, so long as I don't have to eat it). I've made pie myself before, for holidays and whatnot. I'm told I make excellent pie, but that could be a lie and I would never know, because I sure as hell never eat any of it. Pie is so gross.
Anyway, your cake looks beautiful, but I'm pretty sure it would make me gag. I don't believe in chocolate cake. I don't believe in most kinds of cake, actually (except for lemon chiffon, which I could eat until I rupture something). I definitely don't believe in Kahlua, because I hate coffee with every fibre of my being.
Looks pretty. Let me know if you shit rainbows...
I believe in any kind of cake that involves alcohol. It's got healing powers, I tell ya.
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