Friday, December 12, 2008

Fucking Salad Wannabe

A couple of quick things tonight. The first is that with Christmas two weeks away, (and me in several hundred dollars worth of debt buying Presents), I've decided to make a Christmas Mix Tape for the blog. If you don't like it, calm down, I'm taking it down after Christmas.

Number 2, I landed the Number 2 spot in Eloquent Eloquence over at Pajiba. Apparently, if I want to win a spiffy free t-shirt, I'm either gonna have to start making more references to 8-bit games, or give Prisco a hummer. Oh well. We're #2! We're #2!

Third, today was my last day of school for this semester. Yay me! I mean, yeah, I have a cal quiz in a week that I'll probably fail, but for now, this calls for Tequila Body Shots!

Finally, from the good people at Cracked, comes this. It made me squee in my pants.


Pants said...

Yay for the terrorist baby seal, it's violicious! But little seabert comes a distant second to your salad remark, that was some Red Bull up the nose genius right there! My hat is off to you sir...

Robert said...

Best post yet Jeremy. Fuck the baby seal killers.
It's not Canada's best know attribute just like the fucking Japanese insisting on eating whales and coming to our neck of the woods to bloody get them ... and I am only an animal lover not even a fantaic! Like I would't throw piant over your fo-fur Jeremy!
x Robert

Jeremy Feist said...

Pants: Awww, why thank you! Just a question, but on a scale from one to ten, how painful is rebull up the nose?

Robert: I know, I know. Seriously? How can you club something that cute for the sake of clothes? And whales? I don't care if it is cultural, you're an asshole if you kill whales. Suck it.

Pants said...

Red Bull up the nose is a solid 5 on the pain scale. More painfull than say getting hit in the arm with a badminton shuttle, less painfull than a fork in your eye. Or getting mowed down by Seabert carrying an uzi...