I'm Lazy. Here's Something Shiny To Play With In The Meantime
Hey all! Apparently, if the comments are any indication, y'all love yourselves some Becks. So while I work on updating the Jukebox, here's a gratuitous photo-dump of Becks in all his semi-naked glory. Cheers! And of course, the blessed pic that set many a Pajiban Panties ablaze...
Hello, I'm Jeremy Feist, and I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing. For now, I'm juggling my family, my life, and my new career as the world's most unlikely gay porn star. It's complicated.
Yeah, but can he do the splits ACROSS THE ENTIRE FLOOR??
He can do splits across *my* floor anytime... He can also have as many girly tramp stamps as he likes. As long as he's naked. Oh,and in my bed.
Well, there goes any semblance of productivity today.
Damn. I am not a spanker, but I really want to spank him. Shit.
See, you got me all incoherant and swear-ey.
OK, he stuffs, right? No way that bulge is real. Too smooth!
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