Monday, June 22, 2009

Come Out, Come Out, Wherever I Am...

You know, it's weird sometimes...I just had a conversation with Matt where he basically told me that I had zero self-confidence (yeah, I know, what a shocker) and that if I was going to continue acting like that, no one would want me. I mean, I know I'm not exactly my biggest fan here, but I always kinda felt that I was justified in thinking that. But I'm not sure anymore. It's like when someone tells a joke and everyone gets the punchline but you. Wonder what it would be like to look in the mirror and see what the hell everyone else sees in me. I don't know...Somewhere down the line I forgot who I was, and it's like now that I'm stripping and doing porn and all that I'm starting to figure out who I am. And you know what? It's not that bad. It could certainly be worse I guess.


Robert said...

Jeremy, that is a great conclusion you have come to!
Although I am coming from the outside looking in, I have always liked what I have perceived you as being - since first communicating with you at meetPF!
x Robert

Mareczku said...

Jeremy, a lot of us have issues with self-confidence. You have a talent for writing and I hope that you can keep up with your education. Try to keep in mind that stripping (and porn) is not who you are. You are still in the process of growing up and figuring it out and hopefully your family and friends can assist you.

Warmest greetings from PA - Mark

Bigg said...

I don't have any advice. If there's one thing I've learned - and there's no more than one - it's that all we have is right here and right now. The up side to that is that there's nobody else like you right here and now - so all you gotta do is be you.

Jay said...

Me, I started seeing a psychologist partly for the same thing. Tomato, tomahto, I hear what you're screamin.